
  1. Overview
  2. Download, Installation & Startup
  3. Configuration & complete example

Software requirements

A system with support for 64 bit integer datatypes (C++ uint64_t) must be used. Usually, this is also the case for 32 bit architectures such as the Raspberry Pi or the Tinkerforge Red Brick. If 64 bit integers are not supported, Sensorlogger will show undefined behavior, because UNIX time stamps are processed with millisecond resolution.

Known software requirements for Linux:


The software is available on Github, or you can download the source code here.

The source code is available here under the MIT license. The following guide will give instructions on how to compile and run Sensorlogger.

sensorlogger.tar.gz Version 1.2 / 400 KB

There is no warranty given for correct operation of the software.


The software can be compiled with support for several libraries or interfaces. You can decide which ones you need. The first lines in the makefile contain three options that you can activate (true) or deactivate (false) as you wish.

# Options to choose which interfaces and libraries should be supported:

Curl Support

If your Sensorlogger must connect to a HomeMatic CCU or if you want to load JSON information from the internet, you need to compile with support for libcurl. Make sure that it is installed:

apt-get install libcurl4

In addition, the developer tools for libcurl are required:

apt-get install libcurl-dev

The virtual package libcurl-dev offers different implementations. All of them should work, I have tested:

apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

MQTT Support

If you need support for MQTT, the Paho MQTT libraries for C and C++ must be installed. You can get packages for Arch-based distributions for the AUR: paho-mqtt-c-git and paho-mqtt-cpp-git. For Debian-based systems (e.g. Raspberry Pi, Tinkerforge Red Brick) we have to compile and install the libraries on our own. To do this, we need to make sure that we already have all the required packages installed:

apt-get install libssl-dev build-essential gcc make
apt-get install cmake cmake-gui cmake-curses-gui

We now use git to download the Eclipse Paho MQTT C library, and compile and install it according to its documentation:

git clone
cd paho.mqtt.c
sudo make install
cd ..

In the next step follows the Eclipse Paho MQTT C++ library. If you also want to install the documentation and compile the examples, set the corresponding flags in the following command in the third line to TRUE.

git clone
cd paho.mqtt.cpp
sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

Tinkerforge Support

The necessary source code for the Tinkerforge C/C++ bindings is already included, no extra steps need to be followed if you want to compile with Tinkerforge support.

Compiling Sensorlogger

To compile Sensorlogger, run make. Take the source code either from GitHub or download it manually from this page.

git clone
cd sensorlogger


To run Sensorlogger, you can pass the path to a configuration file:

./sensorlogger /home/username/my_sensors.json

If you don’t provide the path to a configuration file, Sensorlogger will look for one under the name sensorlogger.json in its current working directory. If it doesn’t find one, it will quit.

Sensorlogger as a service

It is recommended to run Sensorlogger with restricted privileges. The setup procedure for an automatic startup at boot time depends on the distribution. For Debian/Raspbian, I use a service file for systemd like the one shown below. It assumes that the executable file named sensorlogger is located in the user’s home directory at /home/username. The configuration file called config.json is also located there in this example.

# /etc/systemd/system/sensorlogger.service
# ------------------------------------------
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl enable sensorlogger


ExecStart=/home/username/sensorlogger /home/username/config.json


You could then use the following two commands to load the service into systemd and enable its automatic startup:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable sensorlogger

Configuration & complete example>>